
[Abstract(Law)] Antitrust Analysis of Some Issues concerning Big Data, Market Power, and Privacy in Digital Multi-sided Platform Businesses

  • DATE WRITTEN : 2020-11-02
  • VIEW : 1253
There is no doubt that the proper use of ¡°big data¡± in any industry promotes innovation and economic efficiency. However, some argue that large companies, such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon, may abuse their market power acquired by the use of their big data.

This article analyzes big data, market power, and privacy on digital multisided platforms. First, the digital platform¡¯s big data is not available for sale. This implies that neither violation of antitrust law nor the market power dominance of big data can exist. Second, although big data is valuable for running a digital platforms, any companies can use big data to collect and gain non-rivalrous user information. For this reason, big data is neither a barrier to entry nor an essential element that satisfies one of the antitrust factors. Third, the protection of privacy is not a fundamental purpose of competition law. It is better to solve the privacy problem through related privacy laws, not competition laws.
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