
[Abstract(Law)] Considering Appropriateness of the Antitrust Enforcement for Data Collection Strategies and Privacy Infringement in the Big Data Industry

  • DATE WRITTEN : 2020-11-02
  • VIEW : 1180
Antitrust analysis of Big Data industries has emerged as one of the actively debated issues in modern economies. Big Data consequently brings many new challenges in terms of privacy infringement that need to be considered in competition law such as the collection of user data through online services - internet search engine, e-mail service, and SNS. However, some scholars argue that many big companies of Big Data business hold data in a monopolistic way thereby giving no choice to customers.

Accordingly, some people argue that Big Data raise antitrust concerns and as a result, some antitrust authorities investigate whether the use of Big Data is subject to antitrust enforcement actions. Some argue, however, that the competition agency should not intervene with issues of Big Data because access to the data, alone, should not be presumed to create market power or competitive advantages such as entry barriers.

Thus, this paper observes the reality of Big Data business and its implication on the competition. Moreover, this paper addresses the role of antitrust law in Big Data issues subsequent to an analysis of non-price competition where people are paying for the free service.
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